Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Detoxing, health, Raw food

Ever since i was a child i never wanted to eat any animals but my parents said humans need to eat meat to live. So reluctantly i did and suffered many health problems as a consequence. As a teenager i was overweight: 120 kilos, and suffered from allergies, depression, panic attacks, cloudy mind and many other diseases i was not even aware of until one day years later i was back in balance and healthy.  At age 17 i was reading a book about India and that millions of people there are vegetarian. So i stopped eating meat right in that momeht. Over the next years i started to become aware of why i was eating, often it was for emotional reasons. People often ask me how quickly i lost the weight and i always say i don´t know as that was never my focus. My interest was to feel better. For some years i was following a vegan diet. Then around 10 years ago i was in Indonesia and just felt one day i will eat some steamed fish. At the time i felt my body felt better with fish, maybe because i was missing vitamin B12 as i recently found out that my blood is missing this nutrient again. 

Detoxing and raw food were a big part of my life probably around 2007 after spending some years travelling in India. Back then i was suffering from parasites in my intestines. I tried Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines to get rid of them. At one point i was so desperate i took some allopathic poison known as antibiotics. Nothing worked of course. Then i remembered reading a book called "grape cure", a diet of only grapes for 2 weeks. So i tried and for the first time in many years my stomach felt normal. Then i started to read more about detoxing and the benefits of a raw food diet. For a while i tried it and really loved raw food. I still do and if i had the opportunity i would be quite happy to follow it. As i said because i used to be overweight and eat for emotional reasons i know very well how connected with emotions eating is. But i also know that we really are what we eat and that diet has much more impact on us than most people would think. It has been found that the stomach has as many nerve cells as the brain so we actually have another brain in our gut. If more people would be aware of that they would be more conscious of what they are putting in the body :) 

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